Saturday, March 15, 2008

Dutch Tulips by Mary Rose Nichols

I get to enjoy this everyday. (Prints available at Mary Rose).

Friday, March 7, 2008

Jump(suit) for color!

I have been wanting to do the following project for a long time, and once I got started I couldn't stop. I have had to put my screen printing aspirations on hold for various reasons and was finally able to give some energy to some plain onesies I've had lying around. This represents a small sampling. Hopefully some will be in the shop soon.
They are all secured with heat n' bond, lite and then machine stitched around for durability. I made one for myself and it survived the wash (inside out). I do expect them to fray a bit, but I won't mind. Hopefully, you won't either.
How many do I have... oh, about twenty... How much... $8 for new onsies, $6 for Clear the Trace.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Diagonal Quilt

I finished my first diagonal quilt and unfortunately it is not square. But it is a good attempt and I learned plenty along the way. It is not for sale, but I hope to perfect the diagonal quilt soon and have something to offer in the shop.

Even a lovely old fashioned binding couldn't completely save it. But it is still nice enough that I had to share. It reminds me of a cozy quilt that my family discovered at Christy Point. Rose buds are always a good choice for quilts.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Daisy Mae Felt Pins

I needle felted these heart pins out of beautiful Iowa wool ($3). The other pins are made from wool felt and vintage buttons ($2-$3.50). All of the designs are my original creations. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Daisy Mae Colored Pencil Rolls

I had a great time playing with fabric to create about a dozen colored pencil rolls ($16, $20 with pencils). Hope you enjoy!